Saturday, May 07, 2005

Almost 3 months old!

Isaac is almost 3 months old now!! Wow! How fast it goes! He is such a smiley baby. He is happy most of the time, but likes to sleep in mommy's arms. Whenever I lay him down, he cries. If I don't get to him right away, his brothers' or sisters' are there to sing, talk, and love him up!

Isaac is a daddy's little boy. He can be totally crabby and not want anything to do with me, then I hand him to his daddy and he turns into a sweet, smiley little boy. *laughing*

He is just getting over his first cold. One day when the cold was harshest, I couldn't get him to smile at me. Then his daddy came home and what do you think he did??? Yup, he gave him a big toothless grin... stinker.

We are truly blessed with the 5 kiddos God has allowed us to hold on this earth.


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